In this episode, host Dave Stripling introduces a new instructional series for attorneys called Appointed Counsel, Dave sits down with its host Joe Byrd, Lead Attorney for the Indigent Services Team. If someone cannot afford an attorney in the U.S. they still have a right to one, and thus our American system and our Constitution ensure an attorney is appointed to them. Here, Joe answers questions about how counsel is appointed in Tennessee, how the appointed attorneys get paid, how someone is determined as "indigent," Rules 13 and 42, and what appointed attorneys will learn from his new instructional series, Appointed Counsel. This episode is intended for all audiences.
In this episode, host Dave Stripling introduces a new instructional series for attorneys called Appointed Counsel, Dave sits down with its host Joe Byrd, Lead Attorney for the Indigent Services Team. If someone cannot afford an attorney in the U.S. they still have a right to one, and thus our American system and our Constitution ensure an attorney is appointed to them. Here, Joe answers questions about how counsel is appointed in Tennessee, how the appointed attorneys get paid, how someone is determined as "indigent," Rules 13 and 42, and what appointed attorneys will learn from his new instructional series, Appointed Counsel. This episode is intended for all audiences.